While the GPS on your
phone can be a great resource, you never know when you’ll be left with no
signal, or a dead battery. That’s why it’s important to know how to ask for
directions in Spanish before your trip to any Spanish speaking destination.
Today you’re going to
learn the most important phrases from our lesson on How to Ask for Directions
in Spanish. If you haven’t already, check out our video below to hear these
phrases used in real life situations.
In the video lesson we
teach you four ways to ask for directions for the following situations:
- Getting Somewhere Specific
- Finding Common Services
- Asking for Help if Lost
- Finding
These are some of the
most important phrases from the video. Make sure you repeat the phrases, or
write them down if that helps you memorize them.
- “Sigue derecho dos cuadras” = “Go straight ahead two blocks.”
- “Avanza tres cuadras” = “Go ahead three blocks.”
- “Subes todo derecho” In Mexico a lot of people use this phrase to say “Go straight ahead” when talking about a direction where the topography of the land is higher.
- “Bajas por ahí” = “Go down that way.”
- “Hasta donde topa” = “Until the end of the street.”
- “Gira a la izquierda/derecha” = “Turn left/right.”
- “Das vuelta a la izquierda/derecha” = “Turn left/right.”
- “En la esquina” = “On the corner.”
- “En contra esquina de…” = “Kitty-corner from…”
- “A espaldas del/de la
...” = “Behind the ...”
- “Rodea el/la …” = “Go around the ...”
- “¿Cómo llego al/ a la
… ?” = “How do I get to the … ?”
- “¿Qué tan lejos queda
el/la ... del/de la … ?” = “How far is the
... from the ... ?”
- “¿Hay un/una ...
cerca de aquí?” = “Is there a ... around
- “Creo que estoy perdido/a” = “I think I’m lost.”
- “¿Sabes si está por
aquí?” = “Do you know if it’s around here?”
- “¿Pasa por aquí el
camión que va a ... ?” = “Does the bus
to … pass by here?”
- “¿Dónde puedo tomar
un taxi?” = “Where can I take a
Make sure you watch the
video to listen to the pronunciation and learn even more useful phrases for
asking for directions in Spanish.
¿podría decirme dónde está la plaza de toros?
Excuse me, could you tell me where the bullring is?
recto y tome la segunda calle a la derecha.
Carry straight on and take the second street on the right.
Carry straight on and take the second street on the right.
cerca de la catedral?
Is it near the cathedral?
Is it near the cathedral?
No, para
ir hasta allí tiene que cruzar todo el centro.
No, to get there you'll have to go right across the centre.
No, to get there you'll have to go right across the centre.
algún autobús que pase por allí?
Is there a bus that goes nearby?
Is there a bus that goes nearby?
Sí, al
doblar esta esquina tiene la parada del veintitrés, que le deja al lado.
Yes, when you turn this corner you'll see the stop for number 23, which leaves you next to it.
Yes, when you turn this corner you'll see the stop for number 23, which leaves you next to it.
La calle - street
La carretera - main road
La avenida - avenue
El callejón - alley
El callejón sin salida - dead end, cul-de-sac
La rotonda - roundabout
La esquina - corner
La carretera - main road
La avenida - avenue
El callejón - alley
El callejón sin salida - dead end, cul-de-sac
La rotonda - roundabout
La esquina - corner
La plaza
de toros - bullring
Las tiendas -shops
El centro comercial - shopping mall
La galería (de arte) - art gallery
El parque - park
El casco antiguo - historic centre
El mercado - market
Las tiendas -shops
El centro comercial - shopping mall
La galería (de arte) - art gallery
El parque - park
El casco antiguo - historic centre
El mercado - market
and orientation:
Seguir - to carry on
Tomar - to take
Cruzar - to cross
Girar - to turn
Caminar - to walk
Todo recto - straight on
Derecha - right
Izquierda - left
Cerca - near(by)
Lejos - far (away)
Subir - go up
Bajar - go down
Tirar para - head towards
Arriba - up(wards)
Abajo - down(wards)
Detrás de - behind
Adelante de - in front of
Enfrente de - opposite
Tomar - to take
Cruzar - to cross
Girar - to turn
Caminar - to walk
Todo recto - straight on
Derecha - right
Izquierda - left
Cerca - near(by)
Lejos - far (away)
Subir - go up
Bajar - go down
Tirar para - head towards
Arriba - up(wards)
Abajo - down(wards)
Detrás de - behind
Adelante de - in front of
Enfrente de - opposite
things to say ...
Pasear - to walk around, stroll
Deambular - to wander aimlessly
Dar una vuelta, dar un paseo - to go for a walk/stroll
Un paseo - stroll
Correr - to run
Perdido - lost
Estamos perdidos - we are lost
Está a un paseo - it's a stroll away
Está a una buena caminata - it's quite a way
¿Voy bien por aquí para ... ? - am I going the right way for ... ?
Deambular - to wander aimlessly
Dar una vuelta, dar un paseo - to go for a walk/stroll
Un paseo - stroll
Correr - to run
Perdido - lost
Estamos perdidos - we are lost
Está a un paseo - it's a stroll away
Está a una buena caminata - it's quite a way
¿Voy bien por aquí para ... ? - am I going the right way for ... ?
Means of transport
A pie - on foot
En coche
- by car
El autobús
- bus
La moto -
El barco
- boat
El avión
- plane
Here are some exercises on the subject:
And you can download it Here
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